Well folks, its that time again! Spring is here for 2011 so it's time to dust off that shovel, break out that hoe and get busy in the gardens again! A lot has changed since last year, a new house, a new addition to the family and a MUCH bigger yard to work with. While most of my time is still spent indoors at the moment I have begun work on the pond area.
Hoping to learn from some mistakes made when I installed it at the old house I plan on doing a few things differently this time. First of course is going to be using a level!!! I think one of the worst moments the last time around was filling up the pond and then realizing it was not sitting level. While it still looked good, it always nagged at me that I screwed up something so basic. Another change will be a properly run electrical for the pump and any lights I might add. Gone is the wad of duct tape and in its place will be a good length of buried PVC piping.
And of course what back yard adventure would be complete without a garden? While I have yet to start work on getting the ground ready I have already picked a great location that gets ton's of sun and should provide me with ample room for all the veggies planned this year.
Hope your spring is off to a great start everyone!